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Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Good Bee-havior

I have to brag. I'm a mom; that's what we do! ;)

Kylei, my 5 year old, came home the other day from school with a TY beanie. She had a story to go along with it.

Apparently, the school's officer (Officer Green) came into Kylei's kindergarten class and asked her teacher, Mrs. Carter, to name a child that had been exceptionally good all year long. Mrs. Carter picked Kylei. Officer Green then had Kylei write her name on a poster (not real sure what this is, unless it's just put on the wall for others to see) and took her into his office and let her pick anything from the two tubs of toys he had.

I just bragged and bragged on her, explaining that people take notice of our behavior and that it will go rewarded. I told her to keep up the good job.

I tell ya....she may get attitude and she and her sister may fight when she's at home, but this really made me feel proud of Kylei- to know that she is good in public and that others are appreciative and take the time to let her know that. It doesn't get much better for a parent than that!

**Thank you Lord, for my children and may you continue to bless my family, keeping us safe and constantly in our hearts to be considerate of others. May you continue to guide John and me in raising these girls to be Christ-like.

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