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Thursday, January 15, 2009

Baby, It's Cold Outside!

Holy Butt Frost, Batman! It's freeezzzzinng! Does anybody remember it being this cold in Tennessee? I'm sure it has, but not in a long time for sure. Today was not a good day to be outside, and had I any choice, my booty would've been at home. As it was though, my first day of classes started today. I was in class by 10 a.m. It was actually a great class. It was wonderful to see all my classmates again and our teacher seems very down to earth and excited to be there, so as far as this class is concerned, I'm sure I'll enjoy it. We got out an hour early and from there, my friend (and classmate) Barbara headed to the Boro to pick up some of our books from MTSU. Before heading to campus for books, we had a nice lunch at Fazzoli's and visited (i.e. TALKED A LOT, lol). Then on to campus and the terrible job of finding a parking place. Luck was on our side (Thank you, God) and I found us a place not too terribly far from the campus bookstore. We found the book I had to get from there, and then headed back outside (bbbrrrrrrr) and headed to the cheaper Blue Raider (off campus) bookstore to get some other books. Unfortunately, my luck had run out at that point and they only had one of the two I had expected to get there. Dangit- back to the campus bookstore (BBBRRRRR). Once I finally had the books I expected to get today (I still lack one, but that's the teacher's fault...no really), it was back in the car where we cranked up the heater!

John had the girls today and he said they were bored, and after running some errands, had pacified their boredom (somewhat) by walking around the mall. I had to laugh...I can't tell you how many times I've done that with the girls, just for a change of scenery. So I met up with them, scheduled eye dr appointments for John and me and then we let Kylei pick where she wanted to eat tonight (as it was already late). About an hour later with diet approved, Subway-filled bellies, we headed home.

Maury County schools are closed tomorrow because of the extreme cold (another first for me...but not entirely surprising). Personally, I'm glad. I didn't want to get out tomorrow morning myself, let alone want Kylei out. So we'll have a nice long weekend, yay! I plan to get all the laundry done and put away, and get a head start on my school work.

I hope you all stay warm and cozy this weekend. Praying for continued health for our family and yours.

God Bless!
Queen Bee

1 comment:

  1. It hasn't been this cold in TN in 6 years- that's what the news said. Good luck with school!
