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Friday, January 23, 2009

Unworthy to be called Yours

"The single greatest cause of atheism in the world today is Christians, who acknowledge Jesus with their lips and walk out the door and deny Him by their lifestyle. That is what an unbelieving world simply finds unbelievable."

I have seen and read this countless times before, but this morning, it really convicted me. This is me. Not all the time. Not every day. But much more than I'd really like to admit. But this is my confession. My repentance. I am a Christian...who sometimes denies Christ by my actions. I am too much in this world. I am sorry, Father. I do love you and need my actions to show that I belong to You, and I've failed. Please forgive me.


The above was written by me back in July of last year. Again, I feel convicted and want to tell the world and God that I'm sorry for letting you down. I'm praying for strength. I'm praying for wisdom to see the situation as it is AT THAT MOMENT, and change my actions quickly and accordingly.

I want to be a better person. I want people to SEE Christ in me. And somehow I need to do that without being prideful about it, which may be just as much a challenge as the first. I am asking for your prayers.


  1. I agree to an extent, though I think that what drives a lot of people from the very idea of Christianity is when people do take the name of Jesus and His words in order to persecute and judge others. I'm not just talking about the bigger issues like homosexuality and abortion (though those are pretty important), but smaller things like support for other issues, the way someone dresses, or even the music they listen to. When a peson's only or main exposure to Christianity is one or more Christians telling them or others what they're doing wrong or running others down, most non-Christians aren't going to want to be a part of what they're going to perceive as a religion of negativity.

    Maybe you saw a facebook status I had the other day, about people using prayer as a threat or an insult. People saying that they're not happy, that they're just going to have to pray for the country, is so disrespectful to not only the new president, but also those who believe in him and support him -as though they're all just godless and with a little prayer will come over to the "right" side. Prayer in and of itself is a great and wonderful thing, one that you should never be ashamed of, but using it to tout one person's perceived superiority over another is just gross to me. There's also the fact that Jesus said it should be a private thing, but a lot of people don't really like to follow that one.

  2. You've brought up some very good points, Taren. Christians have done a horrible job of showing the separation of "loving the sinner, hating the sin." Just like with people saying their going to pray for our country. That is not a bad thing, although I can see your point. Thanks for your input. :)
