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Thursday, February 26, 2009

Okay Class...

"Mission: Observation" commence!

Okay, I have to do lots of classroom observations as a part of my curriculum, and today was cool, because I was able to go into a friend of the family's Resource/Pre-K Special Ed room. She was really awesome and let me work with the kids that came in for Math and Reading.

Hopefully next week, I'll get to start working on my Case Study for Reading. I'll be spending some quality time with a boy in the 1st grade who is a struggling reader. I'm looking forward to that. The more time I spend at the school and actively participating with the children, the more excited I get about my future in this field. It's really a great feeling, because there were times I had doubted if I'd be happy doing this, but kept persevering, hoping something would "click" and I'd just know. I THINK IT'S "CLICKING"! :)

1 comment:

  1. Yay....hope it all goes well for you!! I'm sure you'll make a great teacher!
