Did You Know?

There have been
divorces in the U.S.
so far this year.

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Decisions, Decisions

Okay, so let me just put this out there....4 years! It's been 4 years since I wrote a new blog post. How did that happen? L I F E . Life happened. Oh this crazy, never-ending, always something...life. But that's okay. I'm back now and ready to play catch up. HELLO!!! Allow me to introduce myself (for the 3rd time...? hahaha) My name is Lindsey. I have been married for almost 15 years to the same man (bless him) and we now have FOUR (yes you read that right and we absolutely DO know how that happens, thank you) crazy beautiful children! My oldest daughter is 13 (teenager- bless me!), the next daughter is 11, then my one and only son is three ("I'm free Mommy!") and my youngest surprise love is 16 months. 13 and 11........3 and 1...........yes we did basically manage to start over. Yes it's crazy. Yes it's nice to have older kids to help with the littles. "The Littles" that is now how we refer to the younger two kids. Even my son will refer to him and his little sis as the littles. As in, "Mom, can you put on a show for the littles?" HAHAHA that kid. I was a teacher. I went to school and got a degree in Interdisciplinary Studies, K-6 endorsement. I taught for a grand total of 5 years. Then I said "enough is enough" and resigned at the end of this past school year. It makes me sad when I think that the career I hoped for and worked hard for wasn't the "dream job" I had envisioned it to be. Any teacher out there can tell you the strains of the job and it truly isn't an easy one. My family was suffering as well as my sanity and good demeanor, so I decided to put my health and the health of my marriage and family first. What that means today is that I'm sort of between jobs. Kind of scary...a little exciting. Means I may find something I love! That would be nice. I actually have a job- it's mine if I want it and I would start August 1. I'd be working with my husband and while to some that may mean trouble- I don't see it that way. But I am worried that I won't enjoy it. Then there is at least another job that could possibly be mine. I interview for it next week. It sounds more promising as far as something I'd enjoy....but the pay is terrible! There are actually several pros/cons for both jobs and neither comes out a clear answer. So for now, I pray. I am praying that God will somehow show me the direction I need to go in. I looked back through my blog before posting anything new. It was kind of cool to relive some memories and see what I was doing at that time. But it also was a bit disheartening when I read some posts about my weightloss journey. See....I'm just now restarting a new weightloss journey. My goal I'd set back then...I never came close....and two babies since then means I'm even heavier (and older) so it just really stinks. I have been trying to eat clean for the last few weeks and drink water only. Have I fully kept to that? NO, but I'm doing LOADS better than I was. Today, I ordered Beachbody's 21 Day Fix (DVD, meal planner, etc, etc). I'll get it in a week and go from there. I am always so in awe of people I've known for years who begin to lose weight. I keep saying to myself, that'll be me soon! But I have such a love/love/hate relationship with food. It's always there when I need a "friend"- something to make me feel good. To me it is my drug. I've never been a smoker, doper, etc. but food.....ugh food and I go way back. So...we'll see. Pray for me through job stuff and eating healthy and working out. Thanks!

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Is it possible to have a Dynamic anything? I believe it is!

So, it's only been over a year since my last post...no biggie! lol oops. My last post was the night before my 1st day as a teacher in a 4th grade classroom. That was supposed to be a 6 week maternity leave position that lasted the entire year! That's great because I learned a lot!! Maybe more than I had anticipated or even wanted to know. Since then, I have not been able to find work in the school system. :( Instead, I have had to get a J-O-B. But I don't want to talk about that.

My husband and I will go to our last Dynamic Marriage class tonight. It's the last in an 8 week study strutured to help strengthen your marriage. It has been a true blessing for us...and not because we entered it thinking we needed it. Funny how God believes differently. See even though our marriage was on the mend from a very tumultuous past, we still had lots to learn. Me especially. I encourage Anyone and Everyone that is married or even engaged to take this course. You will learn what your spouse needs (they may not even realize yet that they do!!) and how as their spouse, you can meet them. It does take commitment, money, and time, but our marriages are worth it! Trust me!!

If you'd like to check it out, please go to www.dynamicmarriage.net or you can click on the link where they Divorced Ticker displays number of divorces so far this year.

Our class was offered through our church- but you did NOT have to be a member of the church to be a part of the class, and we had couples to come that weren't. You don't even have to be a beliver (though the course is geared for those that are) Divorce is so rampant in our world today though, and when we marry we rarely think it'll happen to us. But we must be honest and realize it can happen to ANYBODY if we aren't taking intentional steps to maintain a wonderful marriage. And that never means making the other change.

Anyway, that is my post for today. I'm sorry I've neglected the blog. I don't necessarily see that changing. Good or bad, I can't say. Just a lot to do these days and my family needs to take priority over many of the things that I've let sneek in and take that place.

God bless!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Bring 'em on!

The kiddos, the students, my "children" for the next 6 weeks or more! Tomorrow (Friday) I will meet them! School is from 8-10. I've heard it's crazy, especially that first hour, but I'm getting excited! I want to see what they look like, what they sound like...just that GLIMPSE of them.....I'm rambling.

When they leave, I'm sure it'll hit me that I actually have to TEACH these young'uns! lol Then I'll start breaking out in hives, but for this second....I'm tickled!

Gotta get in the bed though....5am is going to be here TOO soon.

Monday, August 2, 2010


Obama wanted change....so, how do you like the new look of the blog? lol

Sunday, July 25, 2010


I never seem to have the time to post here. Wonder why? Well....because I have become paralyzed by the NEED to check out all the terrific blogs around the www that are DIY-terrific!! And there are A LOT!!!!!

I have yet to DO any of those wonderful projects I've seen, though I have asked for a sewing machine now (doubt I'll be getting it any time soon though...especially since I have NO IDEA how to sew!).

Today I have spent hours on one person's blog ALONE trying to find great DIY gift ideas for Christmas/Birthdays/Etc.

Hopefully, before too terribly long, you'll be seeing my own DIY posts (but believe me the ideas will NEVER be original...I was not gifted with a creative bone in my body though I desperately wish I was!) lol

Happy Sunday- may your week be happy!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

I have an Announcement!

I am employed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yep, I interviewed today and was called less than two hours later to say that they wanted me. I will be an interim 4th grade teacher for TWO classes (two maternity leaves). I will be at Centerville Intermediate School in Hickman County. It takes me almost an hour to get there, so I'll be having some long days, but that's okay because I have a job until January anyway. lol

My husband is thrilled and I'm pretty happy too. :)