Did You Know?

There have been
divorces in the U.S.
so far this year.

Sunday, July 25, 2010


I never seem to have the time to post here. Wonder why? Well....because I have become paralyzed by the NEED to check out all the terrific blogs around the www that are DIY-terrific!! And there are A LOT!!!!!

I have yet to DO any of those wonderful projects I've seen, though I have asked for a sewing machine now (doubt I'll be getting it any time soon though...especially since I have NO IDEA how to sew!).

Today I have spent hours on one person's blog ALONE trying to find great DIY gift ideas for Christmas/Birthdays/Etc.

Hopefully, before too terribly long, you'll be seeing my own DIY posts (but believe me the ideas will NEVER be original...I was not gifted with a creative bone in my body though I desperately wish I was!) lol

Happy Sunday- may your week be happy!

1 comment:

  1. Me either!! I do good to draw a stick man, much less come up with anything creative at all!!
