Did You Know?

There have been
divorces in the U.S.
so far this year.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Is it possible to have a Dynamic anything? I believe it is!

So, it's only been over a year since my last post...no biggie! lol oops. My last post was the night before my 1st day as a teacher in a 4th grade classroom. That was supposed to be a 6 week maternity leave position that lasted the entire year! That's great because I learned a lot!! Maybe more than I had anticipated or even wanted to know. Since then, I have not been able to find work in the school system. :( Instead, I have had to get a J-O-B. But I don't want to talk about that.

My husband and I will go to our last Dynamic Marriage class tonight. It's the last in an 8 week study strutured to help strengthen your marriage. It has been a true blessing for us...and not because we entered it thinking we needed it. Funny how God believes differently. See even though our marriage was on the mend from a very tumultuous past, we still had lots to learn. Me especially. I encourage Anyone and Everyone that is married or even engaged to take this course. You will learn what your spouse needs (they may not even realize yet that they do!!) and how as their spouse, you can meet them. It does take commitment, money, and time, but our marriages are worth it! Trust me!!

If you'd like to check it out, please go to www.dynamicmarriage.net or you can click on the link where they Divorced Ticker displays number of divorces so far this year.

Our class was offered through our church- but you did NOT have to be a member of the church to be a part of the class, and we had couples to come that weren't. You don't even have to be a beliver (though the course is geared for those that are) Divorce is so rampant in our world today though, and when we marry we rarely think it'll happen to us. But we must be honest and realize it can happen to ANYBODY if we aren't taking intentional steps to maintain a wonderful marriage. And that never means making the other change.

Anyway, that is my post for today. I'm sorry I've neglected the blog. I don't necessarily see that changing. Good or bad, I can't say. Just a lot to do these days and my family needs to take priority over many of the things that I've let sneek in and take that place.

God bless!


  1. Indeed dynamic. I will follow it that way.

    kevin kirkwood

  2. How did i miss this post??? =o) And now look at you! Things are looking up even from this post, yeah???


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