Did You Know?

There have been
divorces in the U.S.
so far this year.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Student Teaching!

Today was my 2nd day of student teaching. I'm in my first placement, which is 2nd grade. I feel very lucky to have the cooperating teacher that I do. Right now, I'm mostly observing, taking notes, thinking about things I'd like to implement when I begin to lead teach, and helping the kids and my teacher whenever needed. :o)

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Christmas Pics

The girls at Maury Hills Church Christmas Program. Kylei was a sheep :)

shame on me

Okay...so I'm a terrible, horrible, no-good, very bad blogger. I've been very busy lately trying to clean/organize around here that I've neglected posting. In a way that's a good thing cuz it means I've actually done what I said I needed to do...which is not spend so much time online and get things that NEED to be done, done.

We had a great Christmas. The girls were spoiled just as much this year as they have been every other year! Our big Santa gift this year was a Wii. Kylei asked Santa for it or books...bless her! She got both of course! How can you not give a child books?? :) John and I have been rocking out on Guitar Hero....but of course I'm the rockstar in the family. Bless him, John tries VERY hard to catch up to my skillz...but it just ain't happenin for him! lol

I turned 29 just five days after Christmas. I can't believe I have just one more year to be in my 20's. :(

I spend New Year's Eve shopping with my mom. It's her thing to take me shopping for my bday every year. We started in Cool Springs at the Galleria...couldn't find anything. Went to Ross's and TJ Max and got there 30 minutes before they closed. I found some lil ankle boots. Decided to try the mall in Columbia but they were gonna close in just a few minutes so we decided to go to Walmart...and wouldn't ya know....I found some very cute shirts AND THE BEST PART: THEY FIT!!! ...and were lots cheaper than anything we would've found anywhere else. I left with 7 new shirts, which is what I needed. I've been trying to update my wardrobe to look more professional for when I start student teaching, interviewing, and for the day when I am hired!

Speaking of student teaching...I start my placement (though I STILL don't know where that is) on Monday! I go Friday to MTSU for a meeting for student teaching so hoping I'll know something either before or on that day.

Satuday, I will take my last 2 Praxis exams...aagghh!! I haven't even begun to study for those. I will. I will. :)

The girls start back to school tomorrow. I think they're ready....or else they just aren't at that age where they dread school. I know it's coming, but for now, am very thankful that it's just a part of life that they accept without much anguish.

So, it's 2010. John and I didn't make any resolutions. I think we'll both just be praying that THIS is OUR year! So many promising things will be happening this year, starting with me graduating (hallelujah!!) in May!

I hope that everyone can put any hardships that 2009 brought them and be blessed this new year!